Medical Qigong Therapy for humans and animals.

Medical Qigong, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, emphasizes a holistic approach to health.  Comprising various embodied practices established over 4000 years ago, Medical Qigong empowers individuals to access and transform qi - life force energy - to restore their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Medical Qigong is a healing system that views clients as a whole, looking to the root of imbalances and understanding that all cohesive parts need to be addressed. 



Centered Heart Qigong specializes in working with horses and people to
restore and maintain health and wellbeing.  See below for the specific services offered.


Equine Sessions

Qigong Lessons

Personal Sessions

Conscious Grooming


"Ali comes to my clinic to help me with my patients. She is truly gifted. Not only can she clear energy around the horses, she can feel and hear their needs, stories and concerns. I really feel blessed to have Ali's insights for my patients as well as my own animals."

— Dr. Heather Mack, DMV